A stop for lunch at the Sweet Onion in Wortley Village in London.
Happy trails my friends. For you bikers, we appreciate that spring has sprung but 2 inches of morning snow in London has us searching for our snowshoes. In the meantime remember what lies ahead in this upcoming season. May you have a safe, relaxed and healthy season.
Our Blessing to You: May you eat and drink all this bad food. May you eat and drink it all, and may you never recover.
Port Stanley beach on Lake Erie in south of London, Ontario. Who needs palm trees?
A stop along the Thames Valley Parkway to view the fountain at the forks of the Thames River in downtown London, Ontario.
Stop on The Beaches in Toronto next to Lake Ontario.
A peaceful ride with your buddies along southern Ontario numerous rail trails. If you want to ride with us bring some cheap jokes and sarcasm.
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