by Zygmunt Gorski | Dec 27, 2018 | News
A properly-installed guardrail was struck on Southminster Bourne Road southwest of London, Ontario on December 26, 2018 yet a fatality still occurred. What caused this fatal result to the 27-year old female driver is unknown. No photographs were made available by the...
by Zygmunt Gorski | Dec 27, 2018 | News
Calculation of traffic volumes have now been completed from the videotaping session on Wednesday, December 19, 2018. These calculations have been added to the table of the other sites and the new table is shown below. The results show that the Wednesday videotaping...
by Zygmunt Gorski | Dec 26, 2018 | News
Very little information has been provided with respect to three persons who are deceased following two collisions in Southwestern Ontario. Both collisions may have components related to the protection provided by roadside barriers. It was reported that on Christmas...
by Zygmunt Gorski | Dec 24, 2018 | News
Let us all feel the enlightenment of children, like Mr. Scrooge and Mr. Grinche. That we have the capacity to bring good to our world if we allow a change to take place within us. Vengeance, anger, disrespect and intolerance are the four horsemen that have ridden...
by Zygmunt Gorski | Dec 23, 2018 | News
A “malfunction with the electrical wiring” was blamed for the start of fire which destroyed several parked school buses in New Minas Nova Scotia on Saturday morning, December 22, 2018. The photo below shows the extent of the blaze. This single phrase, a...