This article contains the data from road surface testing along the Lincoln Alexander and Red Hill Valley Parkways that was conducted by Gorski Consulting on May 15, 2019. The Red Hill Valley data was obtained just before it was closed for re-surfacing.

The table below shows th data for eastbound travel on the Lincoln Alexander Parkway.

The table below shows the data for northbound travel on the Red Hill Valley Parkway.

There has been much controversy regarding the possible hiding of a report that showed the poor friction on the Red Hill Valley surface. The above tables show a different measurement of the road surface quality by examining the disturbance in the motion of the test vehicle as it travels at highway speed over the noted highway segments. Previous articles posted to this Gorski Consulting website have shown similar data for Highway 401 between London and Tilbury, as well as data along Highway 402 between London and Strathroy.

Comparing the results from those other studies the Lincoln Alexander shows the worst results, even worse that the Highway 402 data.

View looking eastbound along the Lincoln Alexander Parkway approching the Upper Sherman overpass. This view was taken on Jun 16, 2019, This was the location of the worst road surface data.

The Red Hill Valley data is slightly better than the Highway 402 data.

Further testing was completed yesterday on the Lincoln Alexander and Red Hill Valley Parkways in response to a complaint that the newly paved Red Hill was deficient. That data is yet to be organized and analysed. However, as mentioned earlier, there was no indication during the testing that the surface caused unusually high levels of disturbance to the test vehicle. The photos below show some of the Red Hill Valley surface after it was repaved. These views were taken on June 16, 2019.

View looking northward on the newly repaved surface of the Red Hill Valley Parkway. This view was taken on June 16, 2019.

This northward view along the Red Hill Valley Parkway shows the approach to King Street on June 16, 2019.

This northward view along the Red Hill Valley Parkway approaching the King Street overpass was taken on June 16, 2019.

Once the June 16, 2019 data is properly complied and posted we will have more to say about it as well as its relationship to all the previously collected data.