As per last year’s involvement, Gorski Consulting participated in Velo Canada’s cyclist counts that took place throughout Canada between June 7 and June 12, 2022. We volunteered to conduct observations between 0700 and 0900 hours along Dundas Street just west of Colborne Street on the eastern edge of downtown London. This was a chilly morning given the normally expected warm temperatures and this may have led to some lower cyclist observations. Never-the-less, 14 westbound and 15 eastbound cyclists were documented between the precise 2-hour time of 0654 and 0854 hours. The manner in which our video cameras were set up also allowed for views of cyclists travelling north-south along Colborne however, since we were not assigned to document cyclists on Colborne no official count has been made.
As we conduct our observations there is no shortage of situations where cycling dangers unfold, even on a designated cycling track, as shown in the three photos below.
Such unfortunate encounters occur regularly in numerous scenarios throughout the City of London. They cause some anger and intolerance. What we believe is that detailed, objective and unbiased data can help to educate all users of roadways in reducing instances of such potential danger.
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